TAYLER KENT 2006 – 2007

Tayler attended the Western Australian College of Agriculture Narrogin in 2006 and 2007, where she studied Agriculture and Equine in a cohort of just four Equine students in that year level. She loved the animal production and nutrition classes (but not as interested in plants or the economics side of things). After a few years of travel, she decided to enrol in Animal Science at Murdoch University.

Her planned path to study to become a vet changed direction in her second year, where she discovered a passion for biochemistry and medical research. Tayler transferred into a double degree studying Biomedical Science, Molecular Biology and Forensic Biology, where her love of pharmacology (drugs) and toxicology (poisons) has led her into a career as a Research Scientist. After completing her Honours degree, Tayler embarked on a PhD in Reproductive Pharmacology, researching the biochemical changes that occur in the reproductive system in response to common dietary supplements (which are very popular but can be very unsafe!). She has not forgotten her roots, though, she uses Merino rams as a research model to investigate the changes induced by these supplements!

Tayler is now employed as a lecturer in pharmacology at Murdoch, where she is able to pass on her passion for drug science and toxicology, as well as continuing her research into herbal medicine and supplement toxicity and reproductive biology.